The investigation is now complete and all the information about the damages has been compiled and reported to the central committee.
Category: Article
Foreign Developer Proposes 7,000-Acre Project in Sittwe
Foreign developer Gold Coast KTMG Myanmar has proposed a US$38 billion “new city” project in the suburbs of Sittwe, Rakhine State’s capital.
41 percent of vegetables in Thai markets exceed contamination standards
The worst contamination was found in bok choy, kale, Thai basil, chili, cauliflower, oranges, rose apples, guava and grapes.
Govt Has Duty to Solve This: Kayah Farmers
More recently, they say, the military grabbed even more land, and on June 19—after the army erected fences that blocked routes to area farms—farmers protested.
Mekong SEZs talk, but yet to deliver on, ‘decent work’ for women migrant workers
A study has found that the potential exists for Mekong SEZs to support decent work for women who make up the vast majority of their workforces, but this has not yet been realized.
Hoi An faces pollution crisis
Billed as one of Vietnam’s pristine World Heritage sites, Hoi An’s tourism success could backfire due to a failure to tackle pollution.
No room on water, no home on land for Cambodia’s ethnic Vietnamese
“The officials say we are polluting the water, but it is industries and city people who do that. We just want to make a living from fishing – we will starve if we are moved.”
New law in Thailand risks drawing an avalanche of plastic waste
Junta-era rules are business-friendly, but greens object to lax monitoring