An international team from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam visited the Tennessee and Cumberland River Systems last week at the invitation of the United States in support of water development in the Lower Mekong River Basin.
Category: Article
Ending decades of illegal fishing in Thailand
In a tightened up policing of their fishing industry Thailand has begun intercepting and inspecting fishing boats far out at sea this year, one of many new measures to curb its dangerously high levels of overfishing.
Market Analysis for Rural Livelihoods in Kayah State (report)
Key challenges facing prospective entrepreneurs in rural Kayah state include: lack of official land tenure rights; an oligopolistic structure in many economic sectors resulting in smallholder farmers and small business people having little power; lack of capital for investment and difficulties accessing financing; and a lack of skills training opportunities.
Can Laos manage its debt to China?
The country’s gross debt is forecast to rise to more than 70% of Laos’ gross domestic product (GDP). The World Bank recommends that governments should aim for less than 40%; the International Monetary Fund (IMF) suggests 50%.
US eyes multifaceted cooperation with Can Tho
Tarnowka said her office will actively support Can Tho as well as other Mekong Delta localities in connecting with her country’s national programme on sustainable agriculture development.
Safeguarding labour migration in the Mekong region
The Mekong region is a fertile ground for investigating migration policy responses given its enormous migrant population, ranging from asylum seekers to huge pools of unskilled labour migrants.
Vietnam’s Mekong Delta to get additional funding
The Vietnamese goverment is planning to pour additional 45 trillion Vietnamese dong (nearly 2 billion U.S. dollars) into the Mekong in the 2021-2025 period.
Development partners joint statement for Mekong Delta Conference
Actively living with water means embracing floods, droughts and salinity, and reconsidering plans for high dykes, embankments, and sluices by providing room for natural flows and floodplain functions.