Construction of new factories kick off before their environmental impact reports have been finished which in many cases has caused environmental problems for locals.
Category: Article
Vietnam’s growth under new threat
Vietnam’s rapid increase in water demand will lead to water stress in 11 out of 16 river basins in the country by 2030 during the dry season occurring against a backdrop of worsening water quality.
Vietnam Businesses Push for Green Economy
Some in the private sector are giving Vietnamese officials their wish list for a green economy, from more renewable energy to buildings that collect rain water for use.
Rayong residents worry EEC will come with empty promises
Their concerns are based on the lesson they learned from the Eastern Seaboard Development programme more than 30 years ago.
Environmental campaigners urge new govt to focus on sustainable development
Campaigners are urging the new government to overhaul what they see as its “overly pro-industrial investment policy” and move the country down the path of sustainable development.
UN Volunteer helps prepare communities in Lao PDR for climate-related disasters
The partnership has contributed to the placement of many specialized professionals and young people from diverse backgrounds to support communities to become stronger in face of aggressive changes in the weather and the environment.
Laos ups electricity trade
Laos plans to increase exports to Vietnam to 3,000MW by 2025 and to more than 5,000MW by 2030. Laos has also agreed to sell 9,000MW to Thailand by 2025, up from 4,260MW presently.
Energy Ministry has high hopes for solar scheme
Since it started on May 24 some 1,200 households have participated in the programme.