The device creates and diffuses nano-gas streams into the surrounding water to stimulate microorganisms, which helps to release oxygen and decompose the mud in the riverbed, making the water cleaner.
Category: Article
New film showcases monk’s efforts to save forests
Jungle Guard is a documentary film that portrays the life of a unique Buddhist monk community that voluntarily assumed the role of protector of a large parcel of natural forest and its indigenous wildlife, fish and related resources.
Five From China Charged Over Illegal Banana Plantation in Myanmar Protected Forest
The Chinese Company has been operating the plantations near Aung Myae Thar No. 1 and No. 2 village in Waingmaw township since 2018 and now have expanded their growing areas by more than 300 acres in the two communities.
imber Company in Cambodia Continues to Collect Wood From Protected Forest Areas
A timber company in Cambodia is ignoring environmental protection laws by transporting felled trees by night from protected forests in the country.
Lao gov sits on dam collapse report waiting on Seoul’s approval on what to say
Dirt was used instead of cement in the dams construction, the report allegedly says.
Yangon gets smarter
Yangon is introducing smart meters to control the electricity supply, monitor usage and bill customers in a single automated system.
Interview: China’s Mekong Dam-building Mindset ‘Exported Downstream’ to Cambodia and Laos
Despite a stack of peer-reviewed studies that show that building lots of upstream dams on the Mekong will have devastating impacts, there are insufficient decision-making mechanisms recognizing the risks.
Lao Villager Dies After 8 Years in Jail Over Land Grab Protest
Sy Phong, one of two men kept in jail after 23 other protesters had been released, had been held without trial and died in April, a local source told RFA’s Lao Service this week.
Pattaya needs big clean-up
The blackened sea is just the tip of the pollution iceberg for Thailand’s world-famous tourist destination that used to make Thailand proud.