The creation of the industrial zone is expected to require investments totaling US$500 million and is projected to create 100,000 jobs
Category: Article
Controversial aquaculture projects threaten Myanmar’s remaining mangroves
80 percent of Myanmar’s mangroves are gone. In addition to illegal logging of mangroves for charcoal and firewood, aquaculture is a recent development that also threatens mangrove ecosystems.
China throws Hun Sen an economic lifeline
Hun Sen “appears to be clinging to a variant” of the autarky that defined the Khmer Rouge’s economic model.
Forestry staff told to protect residents
Thai forestry officials were told that they would need to adjust and not arrest people but instead assist them within agreed areas and conditions.
How China’s BRI is redrawing the map of world science
They are offering scientific assistance and signing collaborative agreements on a scale not seen since the United States and the former Soviet Union vied with each other to fund researchers.
Vietnam Uses so Much Rhino horns, and here is why
The findings suggest that the overall demand for rhino horn is not going to decrease anytime soon because of the beliefs of the people that are entrenched.
Mekong Delta’s Tien Giang’s coastal area manages to cope with drought
To cope with seawater intrusion in Go Cong Dong, the province had built dams and sluice gates to keep out saltwater and keep in freshwater during the early part of the dry season this year.
Rubbish piles up in Vang Vieng, Laos
“Walk south along the Xong River in Vang Vieng and you will be horrified by the amount of garbage discarded by people enjoying various activities on the river.”
ADB boosts support for region
Vietnam accounts for nearly 40 percent of the ADB’s SEA regional operations. Myanmar receives 7 percent and Thailand just 1 percent.
Cambodia’s failing education system
Access to secondary education shows high inequalities across gender, location and socio-economic groups, with a total secondary net enrolment rate of only 27.7 percent in 2014.