The findings suggest that the overall demand for rhino horn is not going to decrease anytime soon because of the beliefs of the people that are entrenched.
Category: Article
Mekong Delta’s Tien Giang’s coastal area manages to cope with drought
To cope with seawater intrusion in Go Cong Dong, the province had built dams and sluice gates to keep out saltwater and keep in freshwater during the early part of the dry season this year.
Rubbish piles up in Vang Vieng, Laos
“Walk south along the Xong River in Vang Vieng and you will be horrified by the amount of garbage discarded by people enjoying various activities on the river.”
ADB boosts support for region
Vietnam accounts for nearly 40 percent of the ADB’s SEA regional operations. Myanmar receives 7 percent and Thailand just 1 percent.
Cambodia’s failing education system
Access to secondary education shows high inequalities across gender, location and socio-economic groups, with a total secondary net enrolment rate of only 27.7 percent in 2014.
Aung San Suu Kyi Returns From China With 1 Billion Yuan Grant
Grant for projects to improve people’s livelihoods, studies for major projects and humanitarian assistance for people displaced by civil war in northern Myanmar.
Smog from sugarcane burning is fading – just for now
When the harvest season comes next year, farmers are likely to burn their sugarcane plantation again before harvesting.
Sediment starvation along the Mekong (report)
Results indicate that the 133 dams built as planned would trap 96% of the river’s former sediment supply.