Category: Article
Dispossessed: the human toll of Myanmar’s land crisis
A highly centralised regime for governing “wasteland” is being expanded, with devastating effects on communities trying to reclaim their land after decades of war.
Cambodia steps up fight against climate change
One of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change, Cambodia is taking major steps to improve its resilience and reduce its disaster risk with support from the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Workshop highlights importance of climate risk management
Climate risk management, covering climate risk insurance, is playing an increasingly important role in preventing and mitigating losses caused by climate change say experts.
Can technology save ASEAN’s food supplies from climate change?
A pressing need to feed a big population with little agricultural land and shirking fish stocks could spur innovation.
MRC awards green campaign winners to raise awareness of plastic pollution
The six winners were selected from 85 people who had posted their environmental action as part of the “Let’s Act Green for a Greener Mekong” campaign.