Category: Article
ENGIE targets solar mini-grids in Myanmar with Mandalay Yoma
Out of 30,000 villages which are unelectrified in Myanmar we would be happy to do 1,000 in the next 3-5 years, and each village could have between 50-100kW of solar PV on average, with varying battery sizes.
Land Lost, Families Uprooted as Myanmar Pushes Industrial Zones
Six years on, families who moved say their incomes are lower than before, and they have only limited access to services.
Linking BRI with Cambodia’s rectangular development
Cambodia is one of the staunchest supporters of the initiative with the expectation that BRI will contribute to peace and shared prosperity.
Public criticism pressures Vietnam to back down on new SEZs
Co-founder of the Mekong Environment Forum, notes that the majority of these projects are riddled with poor performance and mismanagement, accompanied by severe environmental degradation and land waste.
Endangered Sarus cranes visit Vietnam early this year
This year the cranes returned from Cambodia two months earlier than last year and have been coming more often since the natural conditions in the reserve are better and the food source is steady.