The seven hydropower dams in the country are unable to produce energy due to a lack of rain.
Category: Article
Myanmar Press Freedom Center opened in Yangon
Myanmar Press Freedom Center was opened at Olympic Tower in Yangon on March 24 with the aim of ensuring greater press freedom in the country.
Yangon protest kicks off nationwide campaign against Myitsone Dam
Politicians, activists and civil society representatives will gather in Yangon on April 1 to expand their campaign against the Chinese-backed Myitsone Dam, leaders of the movement said at a small protest in Yangon on Monday.
New vision for Vientiane’s future unveiled
City authorities have unveiled a new vision for the capital, aiming for it to be a city of peace and happiness in the coming years.
Experts tackle integration of int’l development goals
Various government sectors are facing challenges in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, especially the integration of the goals into indicators for the national socio-economic development plan.
Assessing Climate Change Impacts on River Flows in the Tonle Sap Lake Basin, Cambodia
Mean annual projected flow reductions into the basin range from 9 to 29%, 10 to 35% and 7 to 41% for the 2030s, 2060s and 2090s projections, respectively.
Endangered sea turtles hatch for 1st time in decades on Thai soil
The olive ridley sea turtles, listed as vulnerable on IUCN’s Red List, hatched on a Phang Nga beach for the first time since 1996.