Vietnam’s proposed North-South High-Speed Railway (HSR) is expected to improve transport quality for nearly half of the country’s population.
Category: Article
Bangkok to host marine meetings
Hope to initiate a regional framework on reducing the amount of ocean garbage.
The Mekong is mighty no more: demise of the great river system
Eyler new book notes that in the dry season of 2016, the Mekong dropped so low in the Laotian capital, Vientiane, that people could almost walk across it to Thailand.
Laos needs regional cooperation to realise its land-bridge dream
Not only Thailand, but also other Asean member countries should cooperate with Laos to help the country transform its position from being landlocked to creating a land link within the region.
After Decades of Conflict, Land Deadline Looms for Myanmar Villagers
“We lost so much in the conflict. Now there is no more conflict, but we have lost our land, and we don’t know if we will ever get it back.”
Ancient Angkor’s mysterious decline may have been slow, not sudden
Now the scientists suspect that the steady departure of bigwigs caused the water system to fall into disrepair and ultimately fail.
Climate change may undermine Kingdom’s mango production
“Due to climate change, [mango] flowers were destroyed by too much rain and now there is drought coming. The ponds in some areas are slowly drying up.”
Poachers kill elephant in Cambodia wildlife sanctuary
The Southeast Asian nation has emerged in recent years as a key transit hub for the multi-billion dollar illicit wildlife trade.