This month’s discovery of trinkets carved from the tusks of extinct woolly mammoths is just the latest evidence that Cambodia is playing a growing role in the international illegal ivory trade
Category: Article
Exploring an alternative pathway for Vietnam’s energy future
Renewables have the potential to become the lowest-cost option for Vietnam to meet its energy needs says new McKinsey report.
China’s Six Belt and Road Projects in Myanmar to Watch in 2019
The Irrawaddy looks at six projects which are set to be implemented this year and which require careful monitoring—including the controversial Myitsone dam project, on which a final decision could be made this yea
Dams still best way to manage water resources: govt agencies
Instead of relieving the negative effects of climate change, dams and large-irrigation projects in Thailand will only cause further damage, as dams only intensify the already heavy pressure on the ecosystem.
Experts call for increasing economic value of straw
Mekong Delta straw burning pollutes the air, erodes land and wastes workforce.
Can solar diplomacy green the Belt and Road?
So far, China has prioritised BRI countries with plans for significant coal expansion and those where free-flowing rivers can be exploited for hydropower.
‘Out of hand’ haze over Bangkok a symptom of invisible killer pollution in city every day
As a thick grey grime hangs over Bangkok’s skyline, city residents scramble for clean air.
One endangered-species marine creature injured or killed by garbage in Thai waters every 68 hours
Over the past year, 129 marine animals from endangered species have been injured or killed by sea garbage in Thai waters.
‘Empty Forest Syndrome’ Creeps into Northeastern Cambodia
The roar of the tiger has been replaced by the growl of the chain saw in Northeastern Cambodia’s Virachey National Park.
Changes give Thai forest protection centre more authority, ease in identifying encroachers
The national land policy committee made history by allowing for the first time, those with conflicting claims to continue living in the forests without having their claims examined and verified.