What community members want is arguably not the SEZ itself but rather the benefits they associate with it: employment, material progress, and economic security.
Category: Article
Mega-dam costs outweigh benefits, global building spree should end: experts
The National Academy of Sciences in the United States published findings that further confirm that the true environmental and social costs of hydroelectric dams have been grossly underestimated.
Farming jobs eroding away in the Mekong Delta
The physical nibbling away of the Mekong Delta’s edges by advancing erosion is producing unwanted social and economic ripples reaching Ho Chi Minh City and beyond.
Getting old and battling coastal erosion in the Mekong Delta
Elderly people in the Mekong Delta have had a difficult life, but some are now facing even greater hardships as their land washes away.
Climate change and marriage migration out of the Mekong Delta
Young women are pursuing husbands abroad, betting on economic security over love, while leaving young men to struggle to find partners among the women who remain.
Noose or life ring: Ho Chi Minh City’s proposed super dyke
Will dropping a 41-km concrete wall into the sea actually help or will it perpetuate the city’s legacy of failed land-use policies and infrastructure miss-management?
Beware the Dyke—Responding to the root causes of flooding in Ho Chi Minh City
Experts warn such a barrier will do little to address major factors contributing to HCMC’s inundation, and far more attention should be paid to non-technical strategies.
Taiwanese meth cooks drive Mekong drug glut
Taiwanese chemists are helping “Golden Triangle” drug lords, mainly in neighbouring Myanmar’s self-administered Wa state, to pump out more drugs than ever.
EU promotes laundering of looted Cambodian wood
Many reports provide clear indications that despite EU regulations, many Vietnamese companies have been shelling out millions in bribes for logs cut from national parks and community areas in Cambodia.