But the trickle-down effect of Chinese largesse has been minimal, exacerbating an already burgeoning wealth gap between the politically connected, aspiring mercantile class and the poor who can only watch, dumbfounded.
Category: Article
The Cambodian People’s Party and a “proof of concept” irrigation scheme
Cambodia’s dominant political network has infiltrated down to the local level through a hydraulic control paradigm, unwittingly aided and abetted by international development assistance.
Score gold by protecting activists, not mine operators
Thai authorities and a local gold mining company have targeted and violated the rights of environmental defenders involved in opposing a gold mine in northeastern Thailand for more than a decade, a new report finds.
Yet another step to deal with plastic pollution
Upcycling in Myanmar–Inside the structure are wonderful examples of recycling creativity such as lampshades cut and sewn from melted plastic bags and doormats made from motorcycle tubes.
China dams the world
China has built—and is in the process of building—so many dams on the Mekong River that the biodiverse and once-mighty waterway will soon be a series of stagnant pools.
Midterm report card: Myanmar’s economy is not working
The upcoming Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan (MSDP), published last month, is a sensible framework for the country to map out its infrastructure needs.
Analysts: Myanmar Government Statue Drive Risks Alienating Ethnic Groups
“Water is not sufficient, health care is not sufficient and the roads are not good,” says Chin State editor. “So instead of using that budget to build the statue, that money should be used for these things.”
China-Myanmar Economic Corridor Ambitions Meet Hard Reality
Myanmar’s troubles with CMEC mirror many of the issues China faces with BRI investment other countries. As with elsewhere, China may have the capital to spend on infrastructure in Myanmar, but it needs to adjust its approach.
Understanding inter-ethnic conflict in Myanmar
It’s noted how the 288 MW Yeywa Dam project on the Namtu river — backed by Chinese, German, Swiss, and Japanese companies — has caused tension in villages down the river from Namtu township in Kyaukme district.