If developed as planned, the 50 large hydropower projects would permanently segment watersheds, flatten the peaks and valleys of the flood pulse and trap nutrient-rich sediment behind dams.
Category: Article
Exploring Gender Inequality in the Lower Mekong Region
SEI is developing a provincial-level gender inequality index for Cambodia and Vietnam for better analysis of gender gaps and vulnerabilities in the Mekong Region.
Mapping the problems and solutions: Implementing climate-smart agriculture actions in Mekong River Delta
To address the impacts of drought, salinity intrusion, and flooding in rice production in the Mekong River Delta, a participatory climate-related risk mapping was conducted to develop adaptive measures.
Songkhla power plant sit-in an energy wake-up call
A peaceful sit-in protest against a coal-fired power project has drawn attention to the “flaws in state development planning”.
Life in the dark amid broken power promises
For five years communities in Cambodia’s Svay Ring province have waited for electricity, but all they’ve received are transmission lines.
Let the sunshine in
Reporters talk with two citizens who have installed solar panels in their homes — one off the grid, the other on the grid — about what one can expect from investing in renewable energy.
Is Asean ready to adapt?
Readiness varies among countries, but public participation essential for dealing with climate change.
Thailand-Vietnam sign 10 deals for greater coooperation
They emphasised the importance of management of the Mekong River to ensure balance between economic growth and environmental protection.
Graft props up illegal timber trade: activist
“Investigation of illegal logging and timber smuggling across the border is reported by the media, but nothing changes because timber businesses are supported by state actors,” claimed Environmentalist Ouch Leng.
‘Flawed’ EHIA for Thepa coal-fired plant approved
The Environmental and Health Impact Assessment (EHIA) on the Thepa coal-fired power plant has been approved over strong objections from opposing groups.