This paper is an update of a previous study entitled ‘Working Paper on Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts of Hydropower Development in the Lower Mekong Basin’ published in 2015. This was a revised, condensed version of the report ‘Planning Approaches for Water Resources Development in the Lower Mekong Basin’
Category: Article
The Real Trouble With China’s Belt and Road
Though Beijing has made inroads in addressing some concerns, the true structural challenges for the initiative remain.
Cash and Chemicals: For Laos, Chinese Banana Boom a Blessing and Curse
The Chinese offered villagers up to $720 per hectare to rent their land, much of it fallow for years, said Kongkaew, 59, the village chief. They wanted to grow bananas on it.
Journalism Workshops & Resources Update: Vietnam Delta workshop, ICT Camp, security tool, more…
New opportunities for environmental journalism grants, workshops and awards from Mekong Matters/EJN, our partners, and others.
Online Privacy Guide for Journalists 2017
What needs to be done to ensure that a journalist’s sources and data are secure? Check out this list of tips and resources.
Without innovation, oil could find itself out of job
The days of simply sticking a pipe in the ground and tapping a pool of easy-to-handle — and profitable — crude oil is fading. Maximising the planet’s oil reserves will challenge traditional thinking in order to harness technical know-how in a way that will have minimal impact on climate.
Vietnam Still Smuggling Timber From Cambodia Despite Ban, NGO Investigation Finds
Corrupt government officials and military personnel in Vietnam have been smuggling huge quantities of illegal timber from Cambodia, despite the latter country’s ban on log exports to its neighbor, according to a new report by an investigative nongovernmental organization issued on Monday.
At ADB meeting, the bank and civil society grapple over reform
During the first major session held on the first day of the Asian Development Bank’s 50th annual meeting in Yokohama, an activist handed President Takehiko Nakao a pair of gifts. The first was a photo book, entitled “A Visual Testimony of Asian Development Bank’s 50 Years of Destruction,” the second a financing trend analysis: “Missing the Mark ADB@50.”
A fight to control chainsaws in Myanmar could turn the tide on illegal logging
Fresh off a one-year ban on logging, the Southeast Asian nation faces an uphill battle enforcing a new chainsaw registration law.
Mekong channel navigation project only helps China: Thai businesses
Pratch Rujivanarom Cargo shipping on the river is now dominated by Chinese firms. THAI businesses have voiced concern over the Mekong River Navigation Channel Improvement Project, arguing that only Chinese businesses will profit while Thai businesses are kept out of the market. As China’s CCCC Second Harbor Consultant Co Ltd surveys the Mekong River in […]