The World Bank’s private sector lending arm, the International Finance Corporation, which gives financial assistance to businesses that invest in the developing world, has come under criticism in a new report over its connection to a controversial coal mining operation in Tenasserim Division.
Category: Article
No strong deterrents for illegal sand mining
Increased awareness of the negative impacts of sand mining has sparked public outrage of late, but it has proceeded apace.
Protected birds come under threat
A protected bird species has come under renewed threat after land-grabbers invaded Preah Vihear province’s Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary and destroyed their habitat.
Enormous Fish Make One of the World’s Largest Migrations
Billions of fish make an annual trek through the rivers of Southeast Asia, supporting millions of people. Yet scientists still don’t know much about them.
Guidelines on Public Participation in EIA in the Mekong Region are now available
The Guidelines on Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the Mekong Region have been developed to address the shared concern for increasing meaningful public participation in development planning, in the context of increasing investment projects across the Mekong region.
ASIA’S FUTURE CITIES: New buds of growth for Yangon’s ‘green movement’
The notion of starting a “green” business in Myanmar is still an unconventional one in 2017. Some of those pushing it will admit some of the vision is utopian, but important to pursue anyway.
As Thailand Ramps Up Its Palm Oil Sector, Peat Forest Feel the Pressure
Thailand is aiming to increase its domestic palm oil production 50 percent over the next nine years while at the same time trying to reclaim encroached peat forest from smallholders.
As Many As 10 Myanmar Villagers Injured in Shooting at Letpadaung Cooper Mine
Ten villagers have been injured by police who fired rubber bullets at them for blocking a roadway to a controversial Chinese-run Wanbao copper mine.
Decision-Makers Must Recognize Irreversible Impacts of Dams on Mekong River and People’s Lives
International Rivers believes that recent comments attributed in the media to the CEO of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) raise serious concerns about the role and positioning of the MRC Secretariat and the future of decision-making over hydropower development in the Mekong.
Green growth: not as expensive as you think
A green economy does not mean a major trade-off between growth and sustainability, Tomaso Andreatta, chairman of EuroCham Green Growth Sector Committee insists.