Two hundred years ago, the ancestors of the Ban Pong people came to the area to try to develop the land, during a time where land titles did not exist. They had lived in peace until the government issued a land titling policy in the 1990s.
Category: Article
Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project: Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report (July-December 2014)
Environmental monitoring reports describe the environmental issues or mitigation measures of a project.
Asia’s ‘infrastructure gap’ threatens to hamper growth
Looking out at bumper-to-bumper Monday morning traffic crawling along the Philippine capital’s main avenue, taxi driver Ranilo Banez shook his head in frustration.
Time is Now for ASEAN to Push Toward Environmental Crime Accountability
What really happened in Tianjin is the result of a creeping environmental disaster unfolding across the globe, particularly in Southeast Asia, and it reflects the magnitude of the challenge that the leaders of the 10 ASEAN nations face as they seek to balance both economic growth and natural resource protection.
PR INTERVIEW: Looking Into the Human Rights Impacts of Hydropower Dams in Vietnam
Raoul Wallenberg Institute RWI, in cooperation with the Vietnamese Institute for Human Rights, recently held a national conference on human rights research and education in Hanoi, Vietnam. Our programme officer, David Eile, sat down to talk to Nguyen Thi Thanh Hai, the Deputy Head of Human Rights Theory Division at the Vietnamese Institute of Human Rights […]
PRESS RELEASE: Local groups demand accountability upon Japan’s announcement of official involvement in the Dawei SEZ
Mekong Watch On August 4th, local community groups from Dawei (southern Burma) sent a letter to the Japanese Foreign Ministry, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) after Japan officially announced its involvement in the Dawei Special Economic Zone (SEZ) development project and related projects. This is a […]
PR ARTICLE: NASA, USAID Open Environmental Information Hub for Southeast Asia
NASA/ USAID NASA and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Monday launched SERVIR-Mekong, a joint project to strengthen regional environmental monitoring in five countries in the lower Mekong region of Southeast Asia. One of three SERVIR hubs now operating in developing regions of the world, the center is housed at the Asian Disaster Preparedness […]
PR ARTICLE: SUMERNET roundtable explores building social and environmental safeguards for a Mekong Region facing rapid economic integration and a changing climate
SUMERNET Climate change, regional integration and safeguards were highlighted by speakers at a SUMERNET roundtable at the regional symposium on the role of social and environmental safeguards held by the Mekong Partnership for the Environment (MPE) in Bangkok on 25-27 August 2015. By Albert Salamanca The regional symposium theme was “Safeguarding Sustainable Development in the […]
RESOURCE: Mekong EIA Briefing: Environmental Impact AssessmentComparative AnalysisIn Lower Mekong Countries
Pact/Mekong Partnership for the Environment This report provides a comparative analysis of EIA laws, policies, regulations, and guidelines in the Lower Mekong countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam). The analysis was conducted in order to determine existing regional harmonization, identify gaps, and recommend options for developing a set of standards that can accompany the […]
NGOs, Volunteer Groups Take Pollution Fight into their Own Hands
Amid mounting concerns about environmental issues, a growing number of people in China are starting to take the fight against pollution into their own hands. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and volunteer groups focused on environmental protection have been sprouting up around the country over the past few years. Most are engaged in detection efforts and conducting their own research on industrial pollution that is often ignored by the government.