Both reports recommend that fish stocks are protected to ensure food supplies for millions of people living in the LMB and safeguard any further erosion in household incomes.
Category: Resource / PR
Lancang-Mekong Research and Policy Forums to discuss water insecurity
On 27-28 Oct SUMERNET will host two online events “Lancang-Mekong Research and Policy Forums” aimed at strengthening research-policy cooperation and partnerships to address water security in times of uncertainty in the Lancang-Mekong Region.
Conviction of Prey Lang activist marks further repression of environmental defenders
“Time and time again, the Cambodian courts fail to deliver genuine justice in cases involving human rights defenders and environmental activists. Meanwhile, the Cambodian government continues to trample on Indigenous Peoples’ rights and allows logging companies to pursue their illegal activities with impunity.”
“Building Back Better”: Southeast Asia’s transition to a green economy after COVID-19
Through its assessment, APHR found that only minimal green policy measures have been adopted as part of the national COVID-19 recovery plans. Moreover, the few positive measures approved were critically undermined by the widespread adoption of those that contribute to global warming and create significant barriers to a low-carbon economic transition. Countries in the region clearly lacked a unified strategy on a green recovery from COVID-19.
Developing sustainable climate resilient infrastructure solutions in Cambodia
The Asian Development Bank, with support from the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience of the Climate Investment Funds, is assisting Cambodia to build climate-resilient infrastructure through a $588 million investment program called Strategic Program for Climate Resilience. The program led to the development of new regulations, technical guidelines, and legal requirements on construction of infrastructure specific to the nation’s three distinct geographic regions: the coastal areas, the highlands, and the central lowlands.
Lifeline for some the world’s most precious biodiverse habitats announced
The Western Congo Basin, the Lower Mekong and the Kavango-Zambezi region and more set to benefit from the £100 million fund. Projects will tackle biodiversity loss, combat climate change and help deliver our goal to protect 30% of the world’s land and sea by 2030.
Landmark MRC-China’s joint study approved for implementation, new indicative ending date for Sanakham dam set
The joint study is due to be formally launched in December 2021 and will run until 2024. It consists of two phases, the first of which will take place during 2022 and is anticipated to yield immediate recommendations for actions. The second phase occurring in 2023–2024 will be implemented in coordination with the MRC’s Strategic Plan 2021–2025.
Harnessing technology to manage flood, drought risks in Lower Mekong Basin
The Lower Mekong region remains highly vulnerable to increased flood and drought. To offset the increased risk, the Mekong River Commission (MRC) and its partners are deploying innovative information and communication technologies to assist governments and communities manage extreme weather conditions.
World Bank to Support land administration
The $31 million Enhancing Systematic Land Registration Project will be run by the government’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment over the next five years. Its objective is to modernize land administration and scale up land registration to support the country’s aim of extending the benefits of recognized land rights to more of the Lao population.
10 rivers at risk from hydropower even though we can now tackle climate change without damming them
Mekong Blues (Laos) – Hydropower dams on the lower Mekong in Laos would threaten the future of the world’s most productive freshwater fisheries, the stability of the densely populated delta, and the river’s biodiversity – including critically endangered river dolphins and Mekong giant catfish. 60 million people depend on the health of the lower Mekong.