Much of Laos and the Mekong are vulnerable to such disasters and to broader environmental threats of large hydropower dams the Mekong.
Category: Resource / PR
No more dams, float solar panels instead: experts
After studying alternatives to mitigate the impacts of pending dam projects in Laos and Cambodia, experts say, just say NO.
New Booklet Explains MRC’s Rule-based Mekong Water Cooperation
Online publication to help understand how the regional intergovernmental organization promotes rule-based water cooperation among MRC member countries.
China’s white paper on environment protection in Tibet a tale of lies?
China’s Jul 18 white paper on ecological progress on the Tibetan Plateau is riddled with lies and factual errors known full well to those who are paying attention.
Does Acid Mine Drainage From Coal Mining Contaminate Fertile Soils And Crops?
Open pit coal mines in Vietnam cause toxic trace metal element accumulation in the edible parts of crops.
Environmental changes in the Mekong Delta spell trouble for farmers
Productivity may not last forever. In fact, delta farmers and other residents are already experiencing problems.
Mekong region faces even greater forest losses, WWF warns
With less than 30% of Greater Mekong’s forests remaining, new WWF report highlights efforts by people and communities trying to stop the devastation.
Multiconsult to assess renewable energy impacts on Laos river
With IFC’s partnership, they hope to become a world leader with regards to putting principles for sustainable water resource management and hydropower planning into practice.
Myanmar: Farmers Seek Return of Seized Land
While the ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims continues, a story just as consequential and longer in the making has gone largely unreported.
Comment on “Designing river flows to improve food security futures in the Lower Mekong Basin”
Proposed flows by researchers to green-up dams in the Lower Mekong are seen as infeasible and devastating to fisheries.