Report draws out key points and discusses their implications for Xayaburi and other dams under construction or consideration on the lower Mekong mainstream and within the region.
Category: Resource / PR
Making Sense of the “Many Mekongs”
Making relevant the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy, an initiative launched by a predecessor in 2003 that has languished for several years.
“Rise and Fall” toward a sustainable Mekong Delta
The Rise and Fall research program, a cornerstone in the Vietnam – the Netherlands delta collaboration, addresses these challenges with the Dutch multi-disciplinary approach in delta management.
Repot says Myanmar’s peace process must address natural resources governance
Natural resources, including timber, gems, oil and gas, and hydropower, generate billions of dollars each year and are inextricably linked to Myanmar’s history of armed conflict, says a new report by Forest Trends.
Mekong Delta province enjoys boom in agrotourism
The Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap is emerging as an agrotourism destination with its increasing adoption of advanced farming models to breed fish and grow rice, tropical fruits, vegetables and flowers.
Laos ups electricity trade
Laos plans to increase exports to Vietnam to 3,000MW by 2025 and to more than 5,000MW by 2030. Laos has also agreed to sell 9,000MW to Thailand by 2025, up from 4,260MW presently.
India and CLMV countries: Investments, development cooperation and sustainable development
India shares close political and strategic ties with the Southeast Asian subregion of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (or the CLMV countries). However, their economic ties remain weak.
Your Bowl of Rice Is Hurting the Climate Too
Bangkok-based, corporate-sponsored, Sustainable Rice Project works with thousands of farmers in countries like Thailand and Vietnam to give them a score based on climate change and sustainability guidelines.
Boats in the “Venice of the East” riding an electric wave
UN Environment and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition announced they will be supporting Thailand’s Pollution Control Department to assess the impact of canal transport on air pollution in Bangkok.