By funding infrastructure and development, China can increase its economic and strategic leverage over poorer neighbors.
Tag: Cambodia
Flashing cash, China spearheads Mekong economic integration
Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang used a visit to Cambodia this week to strengthen China-led economic integration across mainland Southeast Asia.
China lavishes cash on ally Cambodia with eyes on the Mekong
Beijing has pledged billions of dollars to build new infrastructure in Cambodia as payback for impacts of Chinese mega-dams across the Mekong.
Riverside nations adopt Mekong action plan
Leaders of the six countries sharing the Mekong River on Wednesday adopted a five-year plan of action on sub-regional cooperation.
Southeast Asia’s poor versus China dams on the Mekong
China has the upper hand over a resource that serves as the economic lifeblood of its poor southern backyard.
Mekong: riding dragon or hugging panda?
Do all six countries who share the Mekong River share the same spirit of camaraderie? For answers, look to today’s 2nd Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Summit.
Pushing GMS food up the value chain
Conditions are ripe GMS to embrace sustainable agriculture and become a source of environmentally friendly produce.
Mekong River to become new South China Sea for regional disputes?
The Beijing-led Lancang-Mekong Cooperation mechanism was set up to help ease tensions over development projects, but NGOs are unconvinced
Cambodia’s Tonle Sap, a lake known as the country’s “beating heart,” faces a more rapid decline than previously estimated, according to a new study.
Muddying the Mekong: balancing sediment and sustainable development
If all the dams currently proposed for the lower Mekong basin are developed, sediment load reaching the delta will fall to 4% of current levels