The nitiative needs basic infrastructure, but cannot solely rely on mega projects worth billions of dollars. The infrastructure projects have to match the industrialization level of the host country, or they cannot be sustained.
Tag: china
Asean to give infrastructure a big push
ASEAN governments are set to speed up implementation of large infrastructure projects by taking advantage of the fast growth and the ample liquidity in the global financial market.
At Mekong Forum, a focus on US disengagement and China’s rise
As keynote speakers at this year’s Mekong Forum repeatedly underscored the rise of China amid growing unpredictability of U.S. policies, the sole U.S. representative in the half-filled ballroom in Khon Kaen, cut a lonely figure.
The ‘Silk Road’ Verdict
China’s massive infrastructure plan to link it to Europe, including parts of Southeast Asia, does not measure up to economic reality.
The Challenges Facing Cambodian Foreign Policy
What foreign policy risk may lie ahead for Cambodia should it further harden its relationship with China as opposed to hedging some bets with the “other” superpower?
Chinese encouraged to invest more
“Cambodia will not create technical barriers for imported products from China to Cambodia,” Commerce Ministry Chhoun Dara said.
Southeast Asia Faces Climate Change Cooperation Challenges
Southeast Asia faces far reaching challenges in ensuring regional cooperation in dealing with climate change after the decision by the United States to withdraw from the 2015 Paris Agreement.
Will China’s new Silk Road be green?
Will the Belt and Road Initiative bring environmental devastation or a new era of Chinese global resource stewardship? Asks Lili Pike
Laos: On the Borders of the Empire
Aljazerra investigates in a 25 minute report China’s rising influence in Laos and the potentially disastrous consequences for the local population.
What’s at stake in China’s plan to blow up islands in the Mekong
The company charged with developing a trade route along the Mekong River (the state-owned Chinese Communications Construction Company) is set to dynamite river islands