Steady as she goes, says MRC’s Chief Executive, to achieve sustainable development along the Mekong.
Tag: climate
Subregion summit kicks off in Hanoi
Their 5-year Hanoi Action Plan, with Regional Investment Framework of 226 subregion development projects worth 2 trillion baht are on the table.
Mekong: more dams, more damage
The call for a moratorium on dam-building is the least risky option and only way to protect Mekong fisheries and its riparian people.
China building a rain-making network three times the size of Spain
Tens of thousands of fuel-burning chambers being installed on the Tibetan plateau (Mekong headwaters) as China launches cutting-edge rainmaking
Mekong River bird species threatened by Chinese dam discharge
The Mekong River ecosystem has been devastated from rising water levels during the dry season, as upstream dams in China discharge water to facilitate navigation.
Forum slams Mekong dam construction, warns livelihoods at stake
Hydroelectric dams in several countries on the mainstream of the Mekong River has seriously impacted people living along it, a forum heard last week.
Mekong Nation Leaders to Hold Summit Amid Concerns About Dams
What’s at stake when leaders from Mekong countries convene a summit early next month to reaffirm their “political commitment” to a 1995 cooperative agreement?
China deepens Lancang-Mekong environmental protection cooperation
The Lancang-Mekong Environmental Protection Center has been inaugurated in Kunming, capital of southwest China’s Yunnan Province.
New Climate Change Fears, Old Mekong Problems
The evidence continues to pile up on the river’s bleak future, but development and management practices continue to ignore the facts.
Woman’s sustainable farming struggles against industrial encroachment
Women’s vision for agriculture development is so far falling flat with those implementing Thailand’s flagship EEC development project