But in recent years, the practice has become associated with wastefulness, fire hazard and environmental concerns, with pollution becoming a major public health issue in Vietnam’s biggest cities.
Tag: Environment
Global coalition petitions to end fossil power in Vietnam as deadly future looms
Coal power pollution could increase CO2 emissions in Vietnam by 20 times and doom global efforts to curb warming.
Dams, Data and Decisions
This ‘Dams Observatory’ tracks all hydropower dams that are larger than 15 megawatts installed capacity, and/or those with a reservoir area of 0.5km2 or larger.
Floodwater released by Chinese dam in Cambodia submerges village
Environmental rights groups have repeatedly warned that the project would have a costly impact on the Mekong fisheries and biodiversity.
$540m Mekong project endorsed
GMS Environment ministers endorsed a five-year environment agenda that includes more than $540 million worth of projects to spur green investments and increase environmental cooperation.
Dawei SEZ to be developed in full
The Dawei Special Economic Zone (SEZ) will be developed in full to accelerate its completion after a five-year delay.
Solar, wind may boost Mekong region energy Read more at http://vietnamnews.vn/opinion/421529/solar-wind-may-boost-mekong-region-energy.html#JEZix1xjtssbrqaT.99
if Cambodia, Laos and Việt Nam take advantage of recent advances in renewable power generation and transmission technologies, they can achieve energy security
Experts decry Vietnam’s risky coal compulsions
With Vietnam planning to signigicantly increase its number of coal plants over the next decade, potentially posing great risks to the environment, international experts have advised the country to work on a cleaner path forward.
Mekong observation projects launched
The MRC launched two joint projects to better manage the Mekong basin resources, especially monitoring the impact of the controversial Don Sahong dam.
Reducing water insecurity: Questions of power, politics and equity in the Mekong region
Water management decision making is concentrated in the hands of the politically and financially powerful few, who determine how water gets allocated.