Phnom Penh prepares its first submissions for UNESCO natural world heritage and global geopark status.
Tag: Irrawaddy dolphins
From friends to strangers: The decline of the Irrawaddy dolphin
Today the Mekong’s dolphins face a new threat. The proposed Sambor Dam on the river’s mainstream in Cambodia.
Dam’s impacts being felt
Residents of Stung Treng province’s Preah Romkil commune are reluctant to express their concerns over Laos’s Don Sahong hydropower dam since it was endorsed last month by Prime Minister Hun Sen, despite the impacts of the dam already being keenly felt, activists and researchers said yesterday.
Hun Sen last month announced his support of the controversial project, expressing hope that Lao would sell electricity to Cambodia at a low price, but activist Chum Hout said yesterday that since the endorsement, community members are fearful of lodging complaints. “We appeal to Samdech [Hun Sen] to stop supporting this project . . . Fishing has seriously fallen,” Hout said.