Each year, during China’s rainy season, downstream nations are on high alert as Chinese dams release water to ease pressure with little warning.
Tag: Mekong
China to tackle ambitious conservation experiment
At the headwaters of the Mekong, China intends to create its first national park – setting aside an area the size of Pennsylvania.
The poverty of simple answers on Mekong hydropower
There are no ‘simple answers’ for managing the risks of Mekong hydropower development. The reality is much more complex.
Climate change is already disrupting lives in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta
Climate change its causing flooding and droughts that damage agricultural land in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam.
Endangered baby dolphin sightings
There are only an estimated 80 adults left in the Mekong River. According to WWF, two dolphins died and eight births were recorded since January.
Mekong channel navigation project only helps China: Thai businesses
Pratch Rujivanarom Cargo shipping on the river is now dominated by Chinese firms. THAI businesses have voiced concern over the Mekong River Navigation Channel Improvement Project, arguing that only Chinese businesses will profit while Thai businesses are kept out of the market. As China’s CCCC Second Harbor Consultant Co Ltd surveys the Mekong River in […]
2017 SEI Science Forum, Bangkok, May 30
Stockholm Environment Institute’s 2017 SEI Science Forum aims to support a dynamic and enduring exchange between science, people and policy, specifically focusing on the Asian region.
Enormous Fish Make One of the World’s Largest Migrations
Billions of fish make an annual trek through the rivers of Southeast Asia, supporting millions of people. Yet scientists still don’t know much about them.
Guidelines on Public Participation in EIA in the Mekong Region are now available
The Guidelines on Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the Mekong Region have been developed to address the shared concern for increasing meaningful public participation in development planning, in the context of increasing investment projects across the Mekong region.
MRC CEO: “Hydropower development will not kill the Mekong River”
“Hydropower development does not kill the Mekong river.” Those words are what Mr Pham Tuan Phan, MRC’s CEO, said to media on the sidelines of a stakeholder forum for the Pak Beng hydropower project . A freelance correspondent for The Mekong Eye interviewed Mr. Pham.