After a two-day international conference and two days of ministerial meetings, the story out of Siam Reap this week is of escalating problems, but uncertainty about actions.
Tag: transportation
Mekong River dams ‘will harm food security’
MRC says Mekong River dams will cut GDP by US$28 billion, aggravate food insecurity and poverty, and reverse the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Code of conduct for the Mekong
The code should include three main components: confidence building measures, preventive diplomacy and dispute settlement mechanisms.
Mekong Eye’s GMS Sixth Summit News Roundup
The $US66 billion project wish list and more from the ministerial and side meetings that took place in Hanio
Ensuring the Greater Mekong’s success
US$7 billion over the 5 years for GMS projects in transport, tourism, energy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, agribusiness, and urban development.
Subregion summit kicks off in Hanoi
Their 5-year Hanoi Action Plan, with Regional Investment Framework of 226 subregion development projects worth 2 trillion baht are on the table.
Parliament OKs $144.54 million loan to improve Dawei road
US$144.54 million loan approved from Thailand for the Dawei-Hteekee highway, which will connect Dawei SEZ to the kingdom.
Mekong Delta asked to improve waterway connectivity
A coastline of more than 700km, and numerous crisscrossing canals and rivers make the Mekong Delta ideal for water transport development.
Laos steps up cooperation with GMS countries for rail connectivity
It’s the Lao government’s policy is to transform the country into a transit transport service provider within the region through land links.
Mekong River bird species threatened by Chinese dam discharge
The Mekong River ecosystem has been devastated from rising water levels during the dry season, as upstream dams in China discharge water to facilitate navigation.