Lower fish catches force women into life difficulties, risking the fisher sector where women play significant roles throughout supply chains.
Tag: women
Women must be central to Mekong dam decisions
Loss of livelihoods and independent sources of income for women due to dam construction can disrupt gender relations within families and communities…
How empowering women leads to innovative agricultural practices
What is the actual impact of an intensified development focus on rural women?
Thai and Myanmar Women Have Toxic Levels of Mercury
Study finds excessive levels of the metal, which can seriously harm unborn children, in women from Alaska to Indonesia, due to gold mining, industrial pollution and fish-rich diets
New Study: Excluding Women from EIA Worsens Social and Environmental Impacts
Mekong Partnership for the Environment The Government of Vietnam requires Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for all large-scale infrastructure development projects and supports public participation in the EIA process. However, a new study shows that women and other marginalized people are often not engaged effectively in the EIA. Mekong Partnership for the Environment (MPE) supported the […]